

TelescopeML requires python >= 3.9.

Step 1: Create your directory structure

Let’s start by creating the folder structure as follow, named TelescopeML_project. While you are inside this parent TelescopeML_project directory, download the reference_data folder which include the following sub-directories: training_datasets, tutorials, observational_datasets, figures, trained_ML_models.

Download link for reference_data folder is: Link

├── reference_data
│ ├── training_datasets
│ ├── tutorials
│ ├── observational_datasets
│ ├── figures
│ └── trained_ML_models

Step 2: Set input file environment variables


  • Navigate to the reference_data directory in your terminal and use the pwd command to find its path.

  • Replace PATH_TO_YOUR_REFERENCE_DATA with the actual path to your reference_data folder.

  • To confirm that your variable has been defined properly, use the command echo $TelescopeML_reference_data.

For Mac OS

Follow the following steps to set the link to the input data:

  1. Check your default shell in your terminal:

echo $SHELL

This command will display the path to your default shell, typically something like /bin/bash or /bin/zsh, or /bin/sh.

  1. Set the environment variables :

    • If your shell is /bin/zsh:

    echo 'export TelescopeML_reference_data="/PATH_TO_YOUR_REFERENCE_DATA/" ' >>~/.zshrc
    source ~/.zshrc
    echo $TelescopeML_reference_data
    • if your shell is /bin/bash:

    echo 'export TelescopeML_reference_data="/PATH_TO_YOUR_REFERENCE_DATA/"' >>~/.bash_profile
    source ~/.bash_profile
    echo $TelescopeML_reference_data
    • if your sell is /bin/sh:

    echo 'export TelescopeML_reference_data="/PATH_TO_YOUR_REFERENCE_DATA/"' >>~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
    echo $TelescopeML_reference_data

For Linux

In Linux, the choice between ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile depends on your specific use case and how you want environment variables to be set, but ~/.bashrc is a common and practical choice for modern Linux system.

echo 'export TelescopeML_reference_data="/PATH_TO_YOUR_REFERENCE_DATA/" ' >>~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo $TelescopeML_reference_data

Step 3: Install the Package


You need to first have Anaconda distribution installed on your machine, before proceed to the next steps.